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Friday, May 28, 2010

One Sure-Fire Way to Improve Your Coding

Here I found another good article discussing the improvements in coding...saying:
The most obvious way to improve your coding is to write more code. Everybody knows that. However, another activity which I guarantee will improve your coding is the complete opposite of writing. I will state this as plainly as I possibly can:
If you want to dramatically increase your programming skills you need to be reading other people’s code.
Maybe you believe that, maybe you don’t. You should. And if you’re willing to give it a shot, I believe you will be rewarded greatly for your time.
In this article I will help you choose what to read and give you practical advice on how to go about reading it. If you’re already a code reader you may find a few ways to get more from your efforts. If you aren’t, you absolutely must read on.
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