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Friday, February 05, 2010

Lock Calendar Update – Display Calendar Events on Lock Screen

From the very first day, I have been using this and every time I update the OS, I forget its name. Here I am adding this for future info.

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  
Lock Calendar It looks like Lock Calendarversion 1.0 has been released. I’m not sure if it has been a while since I have done a review of Lock Calendar or just a while since they have updated it! Either way…there are some new features in the app. In the settings for Lock Calendar (which is location in your stock Settings applicaiton) you now have the ability to choose a specific calendar to display on your lock screen (which is a great faeture) and the ability to do a lot more customizing of the app. You are able to select the seperator color, the background color and transpaency and the text color, current color, font type and font size for the Date Bar, Title, Location and Time. You can pretty much customize the app to look however you want now! I will say that it is not the most user friendly interface but, after a little time…you will get the hang of it.

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