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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Long awaited Cydget Element finally here!

The long awaited Cydget element that important information such as your e-mail, text messages, missed calls, weather and calendar on the lock screen displays your iPhone is finally here.
 The functionality of the Element was outlined in September 2009 by the design firm Teehan + lax, but the busy schedule of Saurik (the creator of Cydia) was the major project delays. The further implementation of Element is taken over by Elias Limneos we know from SBRotator. At first it seemed to have a late April 1st joke, but the big moment has now come really anyway.

Here are the widgets available:

Weather: The weather of one or more cities. A tab also allows you to adjust the range (or the number of seconds) of rotation.
Missed calls: This section can be enabled or disabled. You can decide to call a contact directly by clicking on its name (we recommend disabling this feature to prevent calls). You can also choose the number of missed calls to view.
Calendar: events for your calendar
Email: Watch the latest e-mails received. You can choose to display the number
SMS: Allows you to decide if you want to display messages as they arrived and how many to display.
Facebook: Show all notification of your account
Stock: Display titles in the native application
The modification of options is in Settings> Element.

Cydget Element is available for free on Cydia, and activated in the options Cydget.
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