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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Best picks—a list of ASP.Net sites

Through out my career, (most of the time, if not always), I developed desktop applications using VC++ and MFC. Although I had experience upon managing teams who worked on ASP.Net but during last year or so I got chance to actually gain hands on experience upon ASP.Net and AJAX.

This has been a great experience since the thinking and implementation in terms of web applications is mostly (entirely) different then of desktop applications.

I am thankful to the people out there who wrote excellent articles about ASP.Net, without which it won't be possible to work on ASP.Net.

For the new comers and learners, I am compiling the sites I visited mostly to learn and implement things in ASP.Net. Hope this will help you. Lemme know if you want to add to the list.

In addition, best of all is

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