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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Free eBook: Moving to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

Well for those of you who want to learn about MS Visual Studio 2010 and are used to earlierMoving to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 versions, here is another great effort from Microsoft and it is free. Moving to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (Microsoft Press, 2011; 336 pages), written by Patrice Pelland, Pascal Paré, and Ken Haines.

The book is not a language primer, a language reference, or a single technology book. It’s a book that will help professional developers move from previous versions of Visual Studio (starting with 2003 and on up). It will cover the features of Visual Studio 2010 through an application. It will go through a lot of the exciting new language features and new versions of the most popular technologies without putting the emphasis on the technologies themselves. It will instead put the emphasis on how you would get to those new tools and features from Visual Studio 2010.

If you are expecting this book to thoroughly cover the new Entity Framework or ASP.NET MVC 2, this is not the book for you. If you want to read a book where the focus is on Visual Studio 2010 and on the reasons for moving to Visual Studio 2010, this is the book for you.

The book is written having three audiences in mind:

  • Part I is for developers moving from Visual Studio 2003 to Visual Studio 2010
  • Part II is for developers moving from Visual Studio 2005
  • And Part III is for developers moving from Visual Studio 2008

You can download a PDF of the book here and can help Microsoft by filling out a survey at

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ASP.NET Developer Guidance Map

ASP.Net Developer Guidance Map

J.D. Meier has introduced to a comprehensive resource for (new) ASP.Net Developers, guiding them to the road to learn ASP.Net. The developer guidance is available in the form of Code Samples, How Tos, Videos, and Training.

The ASP.NET Developer Guidance Map helps you kill two birds with one stone:

  1. It show you the key sources of ASP.NET content and where to look (“teach you how to fish”)
  2. It gives you an index of the main content collections (Code Samples, How Tos, Videos, and Training)


Mental Model of the Map
The map is a simple collection of content types from multiple sources, organized by common tasks, common topics, and ASP.NET features:

Download the ASP.NET Developer Guidance Map

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Migrate to SQL Server 2008 R2 and Manage

So if you have decided to migrate your SQL Server database to SQL Server 2008 R2, Microsoft TechNet has collected resources for you to easily accomplish the job.
There are many scenarios during an upgrade where you’ll want to migrate a SQL Server installation. We've collected a series of articles and resources that describe the processes and tools to make the task easier.
This set of topics includes information on how to migrate a reporting services installation, how to migrate integration services packages, and how to migrate data transformation services packages.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Introducing Microsoft Office 365!

Office 365 is a new brand and a new way to think about productivity in the cloud. It is the next step in the future of productivity, bringing together Office, SharePoint, Exchange, and Lync in an always up-to-date cloud service. With Office 365, customers get the best productivity solutions on the planet for a predictable monthly cost, and their employees don’t have to change the way they work because they can use familiar applications like Office that they already know and love.

Office 365 builds on the foundation and investment our Microsoft Online Services partners have already made in the cloud business. For all Microsoft partners, it provides new and additional revenue opportunities. Here’s how:

  • With Office 365, Microsoft is offering a new class of applications and scenarios scenarios that meet the needs of organizations of all sizes
  • Office 365 provides increased opportunities for partners to develop complete customer solutions
  • Office 365 provides the opportunity to broaden and deepen your engagement with SMB customers with new offerings
  • Office 365 enables a familiar connection point, Office, to start your cloud conversations
  • Office 365 provides new platform capabilities to improve deployment and reduce migration overhead, and provides you continuous management of customer accounts

Visit the Microsoft Office 365 at the Partner Network site!

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Monday, October 18, 2010

.NET Development for OS X

Rabi Satter, blogged about starting .Net development for OS X or other Apple devices; an excellent step by step article to start with. According to him:
Yes you read that right. This entry will show you the basics of building a Mac application in .NET. How can this be .NET is a Microsoft Windows technology? … I mean the Mono Project a Novell project that has ported .NET to Linux and other platforms including Mac OS X. What follows is a step by step guide to using .NET and no PCs were killed in the writing of this blog entry.

The tutorial leads you from setting up your machine to HelloMac application. Here you can find the entire article.
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Free eBook: Petzold’s Programming Windows Phone 7

Just in time for VSLive in Redmond, here’s a second draft preview eBook of Charles Petzold’s upcoming Programming Windows Phone 7! The first preview eBook contained six chapters. This one contains eleven chapters (and 265 pages):
643352_win Phone.inddPart I   The Basics
Chapter 1   Hello, Windows Phone 7
Chapter 2   Getting Oriented
Chapter 3   An Introduction to Touch
Chapter 4   Bitmaps, Also Known as Textures
Chapter 5   Sensors and Services
Chapter 6   Issues in Application Architecture
Part II   Silverlight
Chapter 7   XAML Power and Limitations
Chapter 8   Elements and Properties
Part III   XNA
Chapter 20   Principles of Movement
Chapter 21   Textures and Sprites
Chapter 22   Touch and Play

You can download a PDF here (38.6 MB) and you can download the ebook’s sample code here (5.03 MB).
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Thursday, October 07, 2010

Free Windows 7 E-learning

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